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public:music [2024/08/15 19:00] carstenpublic:music [2024/10/04 11:28] (aktuell) carsten
Zeile 139: Zeile 139:
 |Chaka Khan|Ain't nobody| |Chaka Khan|Ain't nobody|
 |Neil Diamond|Red, red wine| |Neil Diamond|Red, red wine|
-|The Melodians|Riversof Babylon|+|The Melodians|Rivers of Babylon|
 |Prince|Nothing compares 2 u| |Prince|Nothing compares 2 u|
 |Barry Manilou|Could it be magic| |Barry Manilou|Could it be magic|
Zeile 150: Zeile 150:
 |Toto|Stop loving you| |Toto|Stop loving you|
 |Alan Walker|Faded| |Alan Walker|Faded|
 +|Led Zeppelin|Whole lotta love|
 +|Muddy Waters|You need love|
 ||| |||
-|Iron Maiden|Number of the beast|+|Iron Maiden|Number of the beast, Run to the hill, Fear of the dark|
 |Sting|Englishman in New York| |Sting|Englishman in New York|
 |Midnight Oil|Beds are burning| |Midnight Oil|Beds are burning|
public/music.1723748408.txt.gz · Zuletzt geändert: 2024/08/15 19:00 von carsten
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